Impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiome

Impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiome

Reading: Impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiome 1 minute

Since their discovery, antibiotics have revolutionised healthcare by treating infections and making modern day medical procedures possible. However, did you know that repeated courses of antibiotics increase the risk of antimicrobial resistance and can result in permanent changes in gut microbiome composition?

Join Dr Sarah Jarvis and explore the influence of antibiotics on the gut microbiome across the lifespan, discover the short- and longer-term interventions that could mitigate the effects of antibiotic use on the gut microbiome, and review new Symprove research investigating use of probiotics and antibiotics.

About our expert, Dr Sarah Jarvis:
Dr Jarvis became a GP in 1990 after training at Cambridge and Oxford. A partner in the same practice for almost 30 years, she now works regularly as a GP locum. Since 2017, Dr Jarvis has been Clinical Consultant of, and is perhaps best known as the doctor to Radio 2 and ITV lunchtime news, with regular appearances for almost 20 years.